I by no means take credit for all the information in here.
Nor do I accept any responsibility for it's accuracy.
Furthermore I accept no responsibility for what you do (or don't do) with the information.
With all that in mind here is my attempt at a VX-5 FAQ.
Q. What is a VX-5 (the 'R' is optional)
Q. How does the VX-5 compare to the VX-1?
Q. How do I tune the calling frequency on 6m? (52.525)
Q. Are there mods for it yet?
Q. Is there computer software available?
Q. Will I need a cable?
Q. Where do I get the accessory connector.
Q. Where can I get A "Good" SMA - BNC Adapter?.
Q. Is there really a 'Lion' inside my radio?.
Q. Where can I find out more?
What is a VX-5 (the 'R' is optional)
It's a small black box with magic inside. It should be respected and feared. (come on, you know what one is)
How does the VX-5 compare to the VX-1?
It doesn't! They are completely different radios.
Excluding the 6m transmit the closest comparison would be the Yaesu FT-50.
How do I tune the calling frequency on 6m? (52.525)
As you have discovered the 5 KHz step is not available in 6m. The solution is to change to 12.5 or 25 KHz and then tune it.
Do a little math and you can get anywhere you want.
Are there mods for it yet?
Yes! both hardware and software.
check here:
or here:
for information how and what is gained.
Is there computer software available?
As of 25 Feb 99 No. I spoke to RT Systems (makers of the ADMS Software) on Mon 18 Jan 99 and they said ADMS-1E is not available yet and could only say it would be "Soon".
However there is a free program called EVE that can be downloaded from here:
http://www.geol.com/vx5 EVEv???.zip
Will I need a cable?
Yes unfortunately the IR interface was not included in this version.
You have several alternatives at this point:
- You can wait for ADMS-1E
- You can buy a copy of ADMS-1D, download EVE, use it now, and upgrade to ADMS-1E later. For a charge of $20.00
- You can modify another ADMS-xx Cable to be used.
All the ADMS cables have the same hardware inside. The only difference is the Radio connector. Only two wires are used. Data and Ground.
Look here:
For VX-5 Connector pin-outs.
Connector for 8000 series radios...
- O [] O
- Brown Clone/Data wire====> O [] O
- O O <======White/Gnd
- You can buy a third party (forth really at this point) Programing cable.
Here is a Nice one:
- You can make your own cable from scratch.
here is the schematic:
This is for the VX-1 but they are exactly the same.
It's been reported that changing R4 122k to 10k was needed.
Keep this in mind when building it.
Note: Everything except 'waiting', requires downloading EVE.
Where do I get the accessory connector.
You can order one from Tower Electronics - Orders 1-800-662-3422 Tech Info 1-920-435-3359 Fax Line 1-920-435-2980 Email KB9AMM@juno.com
They are a straight, molded, pre wired connector with about 20 inches of 4 conductor wire and cost about $8
or (A much better idea)
Go to your local 'Candy' (Amateur Radio Supply) Store, Buy the Yaesu CT-27 Cloning cable, Cut it in half and you have two for $10.
If you only need it for cloning/programing you can use a 3 conductor 1/8" plug. Connect Data to the center ring and Ground to the Sleve (farthest from the tip)
Where can I get A "Good" SMA - BNC Adapter?
SMA male to BNC female adapter. Imported by Aim Electronics of Sunrise, FL. and stocked by Gateway Electronics (http://www.gatewayelex.com). Aim's stock number: 29-3855P. Gateway price: $4.20.
Is there really a 'Lion' inside my radio?
'Lion' is a common contraction for 'Lithium Ion' (Li-Ion) The type of Battery in the VX-5.
To find out everything you want to know about Li-Ion batteries look here:
Where can I find out more?
Everybody's equal in the glow of radiation - Cheryl Crow